It’s indicative of the fragile propaganda that’s underpinning Democratic strategy when DNC leaders call for party unity at a time when they are coronating one of the most polarizing political figures in American history. But that path is the only tactic available for political entities that have chosen duplicity over substance; when the only method of successfully promoting corporate agenda is through the use of deceit.
Hillary Clinton is not a populist; that can’t be repeated enough. She is a neo-liberal, and based on experience, it means corporate interests will take precedent over middle class priorities if she is elected. That is the reason the Democratic Party will continue to lose power; it is the reason the Republicans are growing their base while we are losing members through attrition. If a coalition’s agenda is constructed on a house of cards, it will have no available avenue for building better ideals; the weight of its own duplicity will cause it to collapse. History has taught us that when a political party is bereft of fresh ideas, and it relies on deceit to stay in power, then its relevancy has passed.