When grassroots activists and union leaders threatened to withhold campaign donations from Democratic Congressmen who voted for Fast Track, it should have been a wake up call for all Democrats. If party members have been reduced to threatening representatives just to ensure voter interests are protected, then you know the party has lost its way. In essence, our leaders have become nothing more than leeches feeding off the public trough, and instead of representing our interests; they have gorged themselves on lobbyist bribes and campaign contributions, while leaving us to fend for ourselves -- without adequate representation in D.C.
And for many Democrats that presents a dilemma that can have only two solutions: Either we form a new political party, or we clean house and elect people who will be responsive to our needs.
Robert Kuttner:
It's about time that the Democratic rank and file rebelled against the corporate domination of the Democratic presidential party. Last week's events should ring down the curtain on the era of "trade" deals like NAFTA and TPP.It's fine for Republicans and their corporate allies to promote this stuff. We expect it of them. But the 99 percent deserve a party of our own. If a Democratic White House doesn't get that, this steamrolling is well-deserved. http://www.commondreams.org/...